Thank you Eric!

After 21 years with the Strathclyde/Greater Glasgow Police Pipe Band, drumming great Eric Ward is no longer the leading-drummer.
The band has officially commenced a search for his replacement. Pipe Major Iain MacPherson said, “The band recognizes with gratitude his massive contribution over the last 21 years, which has been a key factor in the band’s success over that period. His is, without doubt, a legendary name in pipe band drumming and his very high standards of rudimentation and musical interpretation have been widely acclaimed for many years.”
Ward is a famous figure in the pipe band world. Under his watch, the Greater Glasgow Police were regularly in the upper echelon of drumming, but not generally considered a consistent threat to take drumming titles this year.
The band is actively encouraging applicants from those interested and qualified to take the lead-drummer spot, and ask that they respond by email with their credentials. The application process will go until noon, Friday, September 23rd.